
Mind blown! Weekly gaming news

Two big stories in the world of gaming to keep your eye on

PS5 shown to load games in a flash (literally)

Recent videos have surfaced of the PS5’s ability to load large video games up to 5x faster than its predecessor in the PS4. An independent video confirmed that the PS5 would be able to load Spider-Man: Miles Morales at a record 11 seconds, compared to the PS4’s 57 seconds. Put it this way: for those familiar with GTA 5, PS4 takes 81 seconds to reach the main screen, whereas the PS5 clocks in at an astonishing 5 seconds. The use of SSD’s and a new storage system really does meet Mark Cerny’s claims that the PS5 will load games in a “blink and you’ll miss it” fashion.

AMD’s Ryzen is leaving Intel in the dust

I don’t even think it’s worth comparing AMD and Intel at this point. During Lisa Su’s time at the helm, AMD have turned around their fortunes and absolutely walked over their current competition with the Ryzen series, which gives gamers the opportunities to reach new heights with their gaming PCs at a fraction of the competition’s costs. The improved 24% energy efficiency of the new Ryzen 5000 CPU over its former XT series (and its phenomenal performance statistics) meant that it sold out within seconds of release. AMD really are seeking to decimate the remaining competition, and Lisa isn’t going to stop rolling punches anytime soon. 

From Issue 1755

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