

The Simpsons: Hit and Run (2003)
Radical Entertainment (GameCube, PS2, Xbox, Windows)

Very few people seem to remember this title, which I find profoundly bizarre given it earned PlayStation Platinum status. A child’s edition of Grand Theft Auto, being able to run amok in Springfield with Homer Simpson, Bart Simpson and other legendary characters of the show at the wheel made the game a lifelong child memory. Many hours were spent completing challenges as part of the extraterrestrial storyline, but the arcade nature and relatively sophisticated graphics for a PS2 title in 2003 of all years takes me back to my first foray into the utopia of video gaming.

Dna 2021 08 31 18 11 51 Utc
Photo: Envato Elements
Dna 2021 08 31 18 11 51 Utc
Photo: Envato Elements
1754 0049
Credits: Crazy Muzzarino
1754 0049
Credits: Crazy Muzzarino
1754 0049
Credits: Crazy Muzzarino

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WiEE: Circuits, switches, transformers & resistors.


WiEE: Circuits, switches, transformers & resistors.

Last Wednesday, Felix was given exclusive insight into Women in Electrical Engineering’s (WiEE) seminal event aimed at inspiring the next generation of female engineers. The “Tech for Good Hackathon” welcomed 75 girls from secondary schools across London for a day of interactive activities showcasing the opportunities within the field

By Cara Hogg and Lara Begüm Yener