
No tricks, just target practice

Imperial College Archery Club (ICAC) taught the third week of the beginners’ course in dress-up, with two Robin Hoods, an Assassin and even Batman gracing the Ethos gym hall on Sunday, October 27th

The 5-week course aims to teach anyone interested the fundamentals of shooting safely and shooting well. With over 200 taster session sign-ups on Welcome Fair day and the course selling out within minutes, the 60 places are fairly coveted, for good reason. “My instructor gives really considerate and helpful advice,” shares beginner Salma about her volunteer instructor. 

The competitions for the South East Archery League (SEAL) begin this Autumn against other universities in the South East of England, with novice and experienced categories for men and women. Imperial’s experienced team came third, first and second in the three legs of the 2023-24 competition and is hoping for similar (ideally better) success this year. 

“This year is our year,” Chaoyi, an experienced archer on the Women’s team and course instructor for this year, remarks. Johnny, another instructor, is less hopeful, claiming that “we are so cooked.” Similar comments of “it’s coming home” vs “I want to go home” are also shared between the archers. 

ICAC also prides itself on having a social and welcoming community. “It has been a great chance to learn a new skill, and it is a really good group of people,” expresses Miles, a learner on the beginner’s course. The club has weekly breakfast in the Library Café following their Thursday morning training, and a KFC dinner after their Sunday training. They hope to organise more events over the year, following the success of last year’s hotpots, painting socials and games nights.

Feature image: Archery Club member aiming for the bullseye, dressed as Jesus in fancy dress. ICAC

From Issue 1857

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