
Sailing Club’s mid-season review

Sailing Club’s mid-season review
Team picture taken at the UCL Six Pack event. Imperial College Sailing Club

Last term we went to several competitions, from Reading to Plymouth. We also hosted a joint event with UCL and our alumni. 

Our training sessions were sometimes cancelled due to strong wind (or lack of it) but we filled our time with theory sessions. 

Hopefully we’ll get more time on the water this term, as we have a few more competitions in plan, including the BUSA qualifiers where we hope to get through to play offs or finals. 

We’re also hosting our own team racing event, with teams coming all the way from Scotland and Ireland! 

Our social sailing sessions will also start this term, and we hope to bring more people into the sport. Outside of sailing, we are planning to participate in a blood drive and a charity swimathon. All in all it’s shaping up to be an exciting term with the Sailing club!

From Issue 1862

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