
Union calls on Imperial to condemn Israel’s ‘indiscriminate killing’ of Gazan civilians

Imperial College Union (ICU) has released a statement calling on Imperial College London to ‘to take an official, public stance.'

Union calls on Imperial to condemn Israel’s ‘indiscriminate killing’ of Gazan civilians

Imperial College Union (ICU) has released a statement calling on Imperial College London to ‘to take an official, public stance condemning the indiscriminate killing of civilians by the Israeli government in Gaza, and to continue their condemnation of Hamas.’

The statement comes two weeks after College President Hugh Brady told students that providing “ongoing geopolitical commentary” would compromise Imperial’s ability to “provide an open forum for debate”.

The College has so far steered clear of outright condemnation of Israel. It has criticised Hamas’s ‘terrible attacks’ and ‘the escalation of violence in Gaza’.

Hours after Brady’s message was sent, Union Council, the student body responsible for setting Union policy, voted through its motion calling on Imperial to condemn Israel’s retaliatory attacks. 

That motion has now been approved by the Union’s board of trustees, with amendments.

The original motion passed by Union Council accused Israel of ‘targeting’ civilians, but the statement released this week contains no such accusation, referring only to ‘killing’.

From Issue 1835

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