
Updated Union sustainability plan shows progress

Kicking off the new academic year’s sustainability forums, Stephanie, Deputy President (Finance and Services), chaired November’s Union Sustainability Forum on Monday 18th.

The forum was both a place for Stephanie to share updates from the Union, and for the various societies and campaign groups present to share their progress and brainstorm new ideas.

Environmental Society updated attendees on their “Ecosia on Campus” campaign and plans for the secret garden (it’s a secret). Plant-based Universities also shared progress on their campaign.

Stephanie pointed attendees to the updated Union Sustainability Strategy. The strategy is yet to be formally launched, and contains details of actions and goals for sustainability. It includes ways the Union will hold the College to account for existing commitments – such as delivering education on sustainability for all students by 2030 and their Socially Responsible Investment Policy – as well as ways the Union will push for more action on, for example on divestment, and aim to make themselves more sustainable.

Improving the Union’s sustainability means measuring their scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions through a carbon audit, and enforcing new ethical partnership and procurement policies.

The event was attended by just over a dozen students, including committee members from Environmental Society, and Ethics and Environment Officer Hollie Meyers. Camille, Union President, and Nico, Deputy President (Welfare), were unable to attend.

Next month’s forum is this Wednesday running from 12:00 to 14:00 in a drop-in format. January’s forum will be led by Plant-based Universities. PBU invites all union councillors and interested students or staff to attend to learn about their campaign or ask any specific questions.

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