
What my eyes are on this week

The three titles that Games editor Ahmad Danesh can't wait to get his hands on

Sackboy: A Big Adventure - Released Nov 12

Sumo Digital (PS4, PS5)

Little Big Planet 1 offered the inner 10 year old the chance to wreak havoc in a pseudo-open-world with our own customisable caricatures. Upon a surprise reveal in Sony’s PS5 release, gamers are rewarded a colourful journey with the legend, Sackboy. The only real big shame is no Stephen Fry voiceovers anymore. 

Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate - Due Nov 17

NetherRealm Studios (PC, PS, Xbox, Switch, Stadia)

To really get a feel for the leaps that game developers have overcome, Mortal Kombat provides the best reference of all. The new Kombat packs introduce 3 new characters Milenna, Rain and Rambo (voiced by the iconic Sylvester Stallone). For the die-hard fan, the game definitely seems to be a tantalising prospect.

World Rally Cross 9 - Released Nov 12

Kyloton (PS5)

Colin McRae’s motor rally series were intense fun as a child. The scenery in WRC 9 really at times is a spectacular sight to behold. It feels like an immersive experience as you deal with complex paths that wind through mountains and peaceful villages whilst in the control of a menacing piece of engineering perfection. 

From Issue 1755

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