
What does your go-to pres song say about you?

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What does your go-to pres song say about you?
Photo: Envato Elements

With freshers’ week coming up, it is time to start thinking how you will flex your musical superiority when you borrow the aux to queue a song at pres. First impressions, are, of course, important. Do you really want to be remembered as the guy who only played songs from the Shrek 2 soundtrack all night? Here is what your go-to pres song says about your personality.

Disclaimer: All songs may or may not be taken from the Slug @ The Redback spotify playlist.

Olivia Rodrigo's Sour

good 4 u - Olivia Rodrigo:

Go on Facebook -> Settings -> Profile and Tagging -> ‘Review posts you are tagged in before adding to your profile?’ to keep your emo phase pictures hidden when your school friends start to post them on your birthday. On the other hand, showing pictures of 12 year old you with a side-fringe in a Fall Out Boy top going “Can you believe this was me?” is an icebreaker that works every time.

Bicep Glue

“I’m really into underground electronic artists” followed by Glue by Bicep:

Rah do you do drugs? It is so sad that your gahp yah got cancelled because of the pandemic and you had to find yourself selling garms on depop in your Surrey semi-detached house instead. Honestly, you’re great on the aux though.

In The Zone Britney Spears

Toxic – Britney Spears:

You’re the sexiest person in the room and you know it. You dance like shit, and if your ego was lower people would definitely make fun of you for it, but you exude so much confidence that it somehow works? You are universally loved. 

Smash Mouth Astro Lounge

All Star - Smash Mouth:

You still think vines are the funniest thing ever. Please stop referencing them. Hurricane tortilla. Are you laughing? Is this funny?

A Night At The Opera Queen

Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen:

You were a theatre kid.

Whats The Story Morning Glory Oasis

Don’t Look Back in Anger - Oasis:

You cried when you found out the union didn’t sell strongbow dark fruits. What else are you meant to drink when you have your arms around the boys, all of you swaying and screaming the words out in a circle?

Baccara By Baccara

Yes Sir, I Can Boogie – Baccara:

A bop. A banger. A boogie. You are one of my favourite people.

Hot Fuss The Killers

Mr Brightside – The Killers:

Forget your star sign, forget your myers-briggs type – is this song the favourite part of your night, or do you audibly groan when it comes on? This song either has you scrambling to the dance floor or has you cringing and rolling your eyes going “it’s not even the best song on Hot Fuss!” If you are the first, you are probably introverted 99% of the time until you hear this song. If you are the second, you are a little bit pretentious and would make a great addition to the music team at Felix.

From Issue 1777

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