“If you dare to struggle, you dare to win...”
This week marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Fred Hampton. Union President Abhijay Sood reflects on Hampton’s influence as a young radical and lessons we can learn from him today
This week marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Fred Hampton. Union President Abhijay Sood reflects on Hampton’s influence as a young radical and lessons we can learn from him today
With alarmingly high suicide rates and suicide being single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the country, ICBC take action in sports, where mental health is too often overlooked
Union President Abhijay Sood reassures students that the Union is continuing to work hard to represent you despite the recent staffing and kitchen issues
Amidst ever increasing living costs and in spite of their huge surplus, the university continues to make cut after cut. When are we going to tell them enough is enough?
Our Union loves touting its democratic credentials, but how much of what goes on do we really know about?
Comment writer and newly elected student trustee Abhijay Sood writes about getting involved with student politics
Politics writer Abhijay Sood thinks that the Imperial isn’t the place it used to be, but there is still more to be done.
Next week the University and College Union begin their strike over changes to pensions. It’s up to students to make sure we support them.
Resident Politics Writer Abhijay Sood give his verdict on what it means for us.
Everybody benefits from having a well-educated population, but why baulk at funding higher education?