Women in STEM: Report from a conference
(Or how I lost my favourite umbrella)
(Or how I lost my favourite umbrella)
Dialogue. I believe that in the thorough yet enjoyable experience that the PhD can be, we all go through times of self-doubt and questioning. Not only about the research itself, but about our own capabilities and the, sometimes, fearful prospect of having to finish. I am glad to have a
An anonymous comment writer thinks that all the fuss about meat free Mondays is overblown.
My experience as a postgraduate research student at Imperial was in complete contrast to my expectations. A diligent and hardworking student, I was accustomed to high-level problem solving, difficult tasks, proposing and defending arguments and manipulating complex data and ideas. Eager for the challenge that I believed lay before me,
Pissed off paddy explains why the DUP are the greatest threat to any chance of a successful Brexit.
An anonymous studet argues that feminism is more relevant than ever.
This week in the Tech section, we are reviewing some essential apps we hope will enhance your experience of living in London
A revealing look into the oddities of the 2018 Conservative Party Conference
Following a break-up, one Comment Writer looks back on their unhealthy, emotionally-manipulative relationship, and advises others on what to do if they’re in the same position.
An anonymous student talks about how the machinations of various groups on the Council are bad for all of us and will eventually tear it apart.
Syria and Libya are just the latest examples of where Western intervention has had catastrophic effects. We need to recognise how to stop it from happening again.
If you managed to get elected, congratulations. Just don’t forget the people who voted for you when next year comes around.