ORPHEUS - A silent musical extravaganza
How can the classic Greek tale of Orpheus be told with almost no dialogue? A throwback to 1930s Jazz age Paris is the answer!
How can the classic Greek tale of Orpheus be told with almost no dialogue? A throwback to 1930s Jazz age Paris is the answer!
Comment writer Akil Eamon Farhat argues that we must approach Brexit with certainty.
When books are made into movies, fans and critics flock like vultures to tease apart the catastrophe to come. When the holy works of Dr Seuss were converted into a musical by Monty Python’s Eric Idle, similar scenes could be predicted. The story tries to integrate characters from across
Anyone who has grown up in a small town or community surrounded by the same people can relate to the feeling of social claustrophobia. During adolescence, when emotions are high and everyone wants to fit in, this becomes even more pronounced. In “Cuckoo”, written by Lisa Carroll and set in
A sex dungeon in a Jane Austen Novel! What’s not to like?
The red poppy used to be a symbol of remembrance and a pledge for the horrors to never happen again. However, a century and many wars later, how much has this message changed?
If you couldn’t make it through The Barber of Seville, do you even stand a chance?
Farhat Eamon argues that the monarchy should be abolished as a relic of a past that we should be ashamed of.