Former College IT technican Babar Ahmad sentenced to 12.5 years in prison
Former College alumnus and IT staff member Babar Ahmad has been sentenced to 12 and a half years in prison after a long battle by US prosecutors in Connecticut.
Former College alumnus and IT staff member Babar Ahmad has been sentenced to 12 and a half years in prison after a long battle by US prosecutors in Connecticut.
Today during a statement by Norman Baker MP, it has emerged that the College’s Establishment Licence Holder has resigned from the position with immediate effect.
What does the future hold for both Teddington and the future of medical sports participation?
"Pattern of infringements that reflected underlying systemic failings" at College according to a new report published by the Animals in Science Committee
College is in the final stages of buying a new 27-acre plot of land two miles from Harlington for the use of Imperial’s sports teams. The site has outside space for 5 football pitches and 2 rugby pitches, an assortment of tennis, netball and cricket facilities and a shooting range.
This week, Council agreed to change the name of the Deputy President (Clubs & Societies) and Deputy President (Finance & Services) roles to Deputy Presidents (Activities & Development) and (Activities & Finance) respectively.
On Wednesday, Imperial students James Winfield and Dominic Jacobson won the Mayor of London’s Low Carbon Entrepreneur 2014 award.
Next Wednesday members of College staff and construction managers will meet in the Union Dining Hall to provide feedback on the progress of the construction of new halls of residence, in Acton.
This Tuesday Union Council was cancelled due to failing to achieve quoracy again. An email was sent around on Monday announcing the cancellation after an administrative member of staff received a large number of apologies of absence via email.
This week College researchers began a new study investigating the possible effects mobile phones and other wireless devices may have on the mental development of children.
According to an American study from academics at the Universities of Washington and Maine, “students in classes with traditional lecturing [were] 1.5 times more likely to fail than were students in classes with active learning.”
Yesterday saw College coming in 43rd place in the Times Higher Education (THE) Student Experience Survey 2014. Ranked on 21 different attributes, from the strength of the students’ union to the fairness of the workload, the data was gathered by YouthSight over the course of last academic year.