Apple’s New Keynote and What it Means for You
As mentioned in last weeks news bubble Apple had a key note last tuesday.
As mentioned in last weeks news bubble Apple had a key note last tuesday.
All of you spend a significant amount of your life on youtube, be it watching handy tutorial videos, lets-plays, music videos and/or videos of cute-ass kittens (the last being the most time intensive).
Like a good meal, steak as the main and planets on the side
Max Eggl discovers that, woah, he can totally develop games
Max Eggl tells the tale of Imperial Chess Heros’ campaign in the land of Freedom. Ah, ‘Murica
Max Eggl ruminates on the repercussion of our device addiction
Gunning for a game? Have a look at these Crafty reviews which will be the Portal to your fantasy world!
Max Eggl is dismayed after the Apple’s offering at the latest keynote
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army review
Steve Ballmers thoughts reviewing the year according to Max Eggl
Max Eggl coos over iPhone’s latest mobile OS
Apparently the one and only center of your new Multimedia world! It may even catch you masturbating...