Geekiness goes beyond gaming
Geekiness goes beyond gaming
Geekiness goes beyond gaming
Little opinion-laden buggers are everywhere
I don't mind all the early Christmas celebrations, it's just that I feel like someone's thrown a kettle of boiling water in my face...
Does John Terry’s personal life have any bearing on his skills as a footballer? No. He just happens to be shit at both
This genre of television is so vague you dream up the missing narrative so the writers don’t have to
I suppose I’m just a traditionalist. Where the tradition is dying young and leaving a bloated corpse
Come the Revolution, I’ll be using you as the wall against which I’ll shoot the people I dislike slightly less than you
...but dedication is compulsory for a career in science. We’re not here to be valued, we’re here to work shit out
You haven’t come to uni to be ‘re-born’; just have fun
Angry Geek thinks you shouldn't suffer