Half a century of Hot Buttered Soul
Fifty years on from its release, Music Writer Rhidian Thomas tells the story of a ground-breaking album that changed soul forever.
Fifty years on from its release, Music Writer Rhidian Thomas tells the story of a ground-breaking album that changed soul forever.
Comment writer Rhidian Thomas discusses the impact of the errors made in the Imperial College bursary scheme and the mediocre efforts to reimburse students.
In an effort to stay current and #OnTrend, resident Felix treehuggers Simran and Rhid try out the first in a series of veggie and vegan food outlets to keep things moving post-Veganuary.
As Ethics and Environment Officer, my job is to support and facilitate campaigns to make our university fairer, greener, and more sustainable. Below are some things I’ve been up to so far this term; if you think that there’s something I’ve missed, or that I could help
There’s a clear place to start when it comes to Imperial’s impact on the environment: it’s time to divest.
Rhidian Thomas and Max Moynan discuss the things that the oil companies don't want us to know
But will it succeed where the last one failed?