The dawning of the age of synthetic biology
Synthetic biology is one of the latest buzzwords in the STEM community, but what is it actually all about?
Synthetic biology is one of the latest buzzwords in the STEM community, but what is it actually all about?
The data revolution is making massive changes in the healthcare industry.
Type I Diabetes can be a life-threatening condition that strikes the young. New scientific developments suggest we might be able to look to genetics to see who is most at risk.
Programs like FoldIt are using our enthusiasm for problem-solving to crowdsource solutions to scientific puzzles.
How our body destroys itself to keep us alive.
Could we be seeing this development in medicine soon?
What's the best way to define what a planet is?
We’re generating more data than ever before, but where are we going to store it? Some scientists are pinning their hopes on using the building blocks of life to help solve the issue.
Developments in 3D printing may lead to a world where we’re able to print new organs, but not everyone is convinced that this technology will solve current waiting times.