Fake news: you won’t believe what I think!
Steve Bohnel is opinionated about fake news
Email: comment.felix@imperial.ac.uk
Steve Bohnel is opinionated about fake news
Jawaad Farooq looks to the future of combatting climate change.
Tessa Davey explores what it is about coach travel that makes people so inconsiderate.
Alexandre Adler explains why we should fight tuition fees at Imperial
Dan Slocombe shares hic concerns about the orwellian future we are headed towards
Jennifer Eden criticises the West’s obsession with nose clams
Jawaad Farooq offers his verdict on the reason for Donald’s rise to power
Avirup Banerjee points the finger of blame for the Trump presidency
Husain Al-Jabir gives his first-hand opinion of Grammar schools
Don Y Ma discusses the recent attack on democracy in Hong Kong
Callum Hunter welcomes parliament’s involvement in the Brexit process
An anonymous student shares their story of the damage done by misconceptions about consent