Mass deception
The Vatican has a lot of serious questions to answer
The Vatican has a lot of serious questions to answer
We’ll do all the cool militant wing stuff like pixelate our faces when we go on the news, and claim responsibility for any errors found in exams, that sort of thing
Whomever made the decision should have the decency to explain their reasoning
It should be reversed immediately
Worrying about offending people makes celebrities bland
If things eventually go tits-up, people will invariably come to you for answers
There are some who are strong enough to forgive
College Council haven’t delivered on the teaching review
Since they move freely in time, one moment is as good as the next to them
But it's not all bad
Why did he not object to these [NHS] plans at a much earlier stage?
With the identities of those with superinjunctions all over Twitter, mentioned in Parliament, and published in the Scottish papers, is it time to rid ourselves of the super injunction?