Star Cops: A sci-fi golden oldie
First let me say – no, it’s not as bad as its name suggests. In fact it’s nothing like its name suggest. The show itself jokes about how bad a name it is in its very first episode.
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First let me say – no, it’s not as bad as its name suggests. In fact it’s nothing like its name suggest. The show itself jokes about how bad a name it is in its very first episode.
Grace Rahman asks whether a live debate was necessary
There is a reason why television critics can’t stop talking about Tatiana Maslany. The fact that her work on the first season of Orphan Black missed out on an Emmy nomination which damn well should have resulted in a win over Claire “I do the same boring crazy spy skit every episode” Danes...
Emily Fulham takes a swash-buckling journey into Renaissance France
Michael S. Martin & Jack Steadman take turns to review Dallas Buyers Club
The original Robocop was – is – an undisputed classic, a masterpiece, quite possibly the best film to come out of the ‘80s, and other such insanely excessive superlatives (but trust me, it really is that good), and if you dispute any of that… well… you’re wrong.
According to the great uncitable (Wikipedia) before the year 2000 211 films had been produced based on a true story and after 2000, 221 films have been based on a true story.
Shocked to see how Christian Bale was a ‘fatman’ in American Hustle? The clearly dedicated actor is back to a healthier looking shape in Scott Cooper’s highly depressing thriller that highlights that not all of America is a land of opportunity. No protagonist here can catch a break in this grim...
Even those with an entirely understandable objection to Hollywood’s never-ending, contrived war films ramming American patriotism down everyone’s throats should check out Peter Berg’s latest modern day military drama.
Emily Fulham considers a competitor to Sherlock’s crown
The latest entry in the Jack Ryan franchise (a character who shares with James Bond and The Doctor the habit of being played by multiple different actors with varying degrees of respect for previous iterations) punches the big red ‘reboot’ button –
The Coen Brothers have been able to create such strong, individual voices for their characters for so long now it’s hard to imagine a small town life in America without thinking about it in terms of Coen Brothers movie.