Time to dream big
The Secret life of Walter Mitty is a Ben Stiller film based on the short of the same name written by James Thurber for the New Yorker in 1942.
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The Secret life of Walter Mitty is a Ben Stiller film based on the short of the same name written by James Thurber for the New Yorker in 1942.
When an old friend finally announces that he is ready to settle down with a woman young enough to his granddaughter, his friends are nothing short of excitement as they get ready for the bachelor party of their lives.
Here is a film of so many mixed emotions that it will make your head spin. With larger-than-life characters having a proper go at each other at a family gathering (where else?).
“You talkin’ to me? Then who the hell else are you talking... you talking to me? Well I’m the only one here.” “I think I learn more in a movie or in a story when I see what a person does wrong and what happens because of that.”
As its title suggests, Walt Disney’s brand new animation film is all about the cold, which is just as well, given the appropriate period of its release date.
In putting such an iconic, widely beloved figure to the screen, the pressure is most definitely on. The film shouldn’t offend, nor should it be an unbiasedly kind portrayal, as even the most celebrated people have flaws to speak of.
There is no doubt that 47 Ronin was Universal Studio’s hope-child given its vast budget of $175-million. However, unlike The Last Samurai in whose footsteps this movie obviously attempted to follow, the difference between their respective results is stark; in fact, rather akin to that between a ...
Maciej Matuszewski reviews two highly-anticipated Christmas specials
Following on from the Oscar-nominated The Descendants (featuring George Clooney’s best performance in years, and introducing the amazing Shailene Woodley – soon to be seen in The Fault in Our Stars), Nebraska is Alexander Payne’s latest film as director, and (unsurprisingly) it’s almost everything.. Nebraska Director: Alexander Payne
Dwarves are useless and can’t do anything, whilst Wood Elves and their fluid, slick gymnastic movements are awesome and humans haven’t yet had the chance to shine: that’s the message to take away from Desolation of Smaug, the second entry to Peter Jackson’s overblown Hobbit trilogy.
Emily Fulham celebrates the return of the most honest show on TV
It’s an unbelievably touching story of human survival, love, and forgiveness.