Let us all cleanse our souls
The Purge: once a year all crime is legal, and siege films are also
For submissions or queries, email film.felix@imperial.ac.uk
The Purge: once a year all crime is legal, and siege films are also
Stephanie Walton voices her opinions on the BBC’s talent show
Felix Film runs down the winners and losers
Felix Film runs down the biggest successes to ever hit the screens
Fast & Furious 6 is furiously fun
The Big Wedding is a Big piece of shit.
Oh FIIIINE I'll be a fundamentalist then. Maybe more serious than this subtitle makes it seem.
Lucy Wiles reviews The Great Gatsby
Stars to return for sequel?
Mud review
Star Trek: Into Darkness review
Lily Le gets her dictionary out. Or should I say... goes to Google... słownik. I don't know, maybe I should.