“Dulce Et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori”
“How sweet and fitting it is to die for one’s country”
For submissions or queries, email film.felix@imperial.ac.uk
“How sweet and fitting it is to die for one’s country”
From heartthrob to heartwarmer
Hitesh Shewakramani compiles a list of movies to watch out for this year. Featuring a lineup including superheroes, James Bond, sparkly vampires, hobbits and other mythical creatures
Much anticipated fim War Horse gets Lucy Wiles' approval
Tim Arbabzadah goes all Sherlock Holmes on the scriptwriting of the BBC hit
Final episode has more holes than dutch cheese, says Maciej Matuszewski
Madonna has made a film, and it is called W.E.
A film full of sex, failure, and relationships; Felix brings you Shame!
Believe it or not, there were other things on tv!
Stuart Murdoch wants to take you on a musical adventure with God Help The Girl
The Iron Lady: Stunning portrayals, half-hearted direction
As the statistically most depressing day of the year nears, Channel 4 is prepared with a little treat