A disgraceful portrayal of the Battle of Warsaw
Jerzy Hoffman fails to prove himself with his latest release
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Jerzy Hoffman fails to prove himself with his latest release
Despite its labyrinthine plot, Lucy Wiles finds much to enjoy in Tomas Alfredson's latest project
Midnight in Paris is effective, moving and humble
Fly-on-the-wall documentary shows true colours of the state system
George Barnett turns his pen to a less provocative subject
Lucia Podhorska takes a retrospective look at LOST
New comedy series has more sex than Imperial, dammit
Costume drama trounces MI5 in Sunday night ratings war
It's time to pick holes in the Doctor's nebulous, wibbly wobbly, timey-wimey thread
An Immature Critic is won over by the biggest comedy of the summer
James Simpson tries to forget the horrors of lolshock.com
It’s shit...