Best in Class: Comedy
Lucia Podhorksa tells us about Friends, geeks and talk-show psychiatrists
For submissions or queries, email film.felix@imperial.ac.uk
Lucia Podhorksa tells us about Friends, geeks and talk-show psychiatrists
You will meet a disappointing film in Woody Allen’s fortieth feature length rom-com
The Rite has got me dying of boredom
Nicolas Cage gets mad in Drive Angry 3D, what else did you expect from him?
The, fluffy angsty world of Teen TV
Ed Knock passes his critical eye over the Academy Award Winners
John Wells’ debut venture as a film director is an astute and absorbing drama
Maciej Matuszewski kicks off our week long look at the highlights of our favourite genres
We all knew it was last year's worst film, but now its got an award to prove it!
The latest Pegg and Frost genre-hopping tribute lacks originality
Do people actually revise without the TV in the background?
A timeless masterpiece