Classic Cinema
The film of an 'era': Jurassic Park
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The film of an 'era': Jurassic Park
New political satire show gets off to a disappointing start
A noteworthy cinematic achievement but will probably miss out on an Oscar
A look at one of Britain's most important directors
Very stressful, deeply disturbing and utterly engrossing
As an actor, Firth is given the entire film to show off and takes advantage of every single moment
Look backing at last year's films and looking forward to an exciting 2011
Maciej Matuszewski takes aim at the gaping plot holes in the acclaimed film 'Moon'
The BFI Southbank's Audrey Hepburn season
At the very least, it's better than Harry Potter
A true testament to the very un-Hollywood idea that money cannot buy horror
Revitalized cinema prepare for 'All-Nighter'