Foodie’s Guide to South Kensington
Let’s face it, Imperial is situated in one of the most expensive areas of London. But being in the know about cheap places to go means that eating well in South Ken doesn’t need to break your bank balance.
Let’s face it, Imperial is situated in one of the most expensive areas of London. But being in the know about cheap places to go means that eating well in South Ken doesn’t need to break your bank balance.
Here’s the deal: it’s pouring with rain, you’re drunk, and you’ve just come back from a night out at Ministry. All you want is something carb-loaded before you nod off. Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered.
Christy Lam takes a break from the pressures of food blogging and samples XU’s Taiwanese cuisine under her own terms.
Are you dying to leave London? Are you getting on the first bus, train, plane, boat, submarine out of this country first chance you get? Are 90% of your choices motivated by hunger? Andrada Balmez will be your guide through Southern Europe (and also Poland for some reason). Take her hand (and some
Are you close to passing out from the lack of ventilation in the library? Are you tossing and turning in bed lamenting the passing of spring anf the lack of an AC? Do your friends describe you as a rice enthusiast? Well we might just have what you need.
Isn’t everything so much better when it has a Spring vibe, when it’s all fresh? felix is delving into the freshest taglaitelle you can cook
Time to get rid of all that chocolate you couldn’t finish and have been hoarding all Easter? Want to eat it but finding yourself at the verge of bursting? felix has found the perfect solution for you!
Lamb season will be starting in a couple weeks and this means only one thing – you are allowed to enjoy a fancy meat you normally ignore for the easier to cook beef or pork. Get ready to salivate with this easy to make lamb delicacy.
Felix visits Ceru, a new addition to the South Ken restaurant scene that oozes middle eastern comfort, from the warm, welcoming interior to the sumptuous yet refined food. So that you too can treat yourselves to an excellent meal out, we’ve arranged an exclusive Imperial discount.
felix boldly uses the lab experience acquired at this noble institution to probe the depths of SCOBYs, tea and Kombucha. Is it the elixir we’ve all been looking for, or just a another fad? More importantly, will it be drinkable at the end of it all? Place your bets, and read on.
The penicillin for all woes, we couldn’t leave booze out of the comfort equation, especially when it makes you feel so damn good. We’ve taken a range of scenarios that we found ourselves in over the last few weeks and developed extensively tested cures. Don’t worry, alcohol
You might envy the food bloggers of the instagram world - all those lovely free meals, cocktails and socialising with the hip and trendy from across the culinary scene. An insiders view shows that it’s sometimes a bit more superficial, but you’ll still probably be jealous at the end, sorry.