Felix Cat


The student newspaper of Imperial College London

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Issue 1757 (PDF)
The student newspaper of Imperial College London

Keep the Cat Free

Your Felix - Your Voice - Your ART

Felix Art introduces weekly column featuring student artwork and invites student contribution


in Issue 1757

The primary purpose of a student newspaper is to provide a channel and platform for student voices and concerns. This typically involves enabling a wide range of discourse, ranging from coverage of campus events, STEM research, politics, to opinions on Arts, movies, books and the like. Under normal circumstances, this section of the paper would have done just that, brought you coverage of some of the best artistic events both within Imperial, and in London and beyond. However, the incessant lockdowns and the new post-pandemic reality has effectively shuttered such options. But this isn’t to say there isn’t Art flourishing around the world. From Zoom concerts, streamed musicals and plays, to museums finally paying attention to their online presence and catalogues, and much closer to home, Imperial societies continue their amazing work online and students keep finding ever innovative ways to express their artistic talents... it is thus time that this section adapts to this reality and recognizes this work.

Felix Arts is hence keen to introduce a curated column capturing the amazing talent of the Imperial student body and provide a space for students to reach a wider audience with their artwork. There are truly no constraints. Whether you are a budding artist, recognized with a bazillion awards or an amateur keen to make a foray, this column is for you. So, keep sending your entries this way and get inspired.

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