Felix Cat


The student newspaper of Imperial College London

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Issue 1758 (PDF)
The student newspaper of Imperial College London

Keep the Cat Free

Market summary 4th December

Investment contributor Riccardo Pierre gives his weekly update on the state of the markets and the big movements to be aware of


in Issue 1758

1. Big news in tech as whispers of Salesforce buying Slack sent the communication platform’s shares skyrocketing this week.

2. This week has showcased the very differing fortunes of two hot names for the electric vehicles game; Tesla and Nikola.

3. Pinterest is testing out a new feature that could see it take over the online virtual event market.

4. AstraZeneca is likely to conduct an additional global trial of its COVID-19 vaccine candidate following questions raised about the efficacy of the treatment.

5. Global COVID-19 cases topped the 60 million mark, with the toll in the U.S. continuing to worsen.

6. Air travel has picked up, with more than 3 million people passing through Transportation Security Administration checkpoints.

7. Oil traders are wagering on a brighter economic outlook and higher demand for fuel. U.S. crude-oil futures rose to their highest level since early March.

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