
Gazan alum Nael Qtati is alive

MSc graduate Nael Qtati has spoken to students after two weeks of no contact.

Gazan alum Nael Qtati is alive
A UNRWA school now being used as a shelter by the displaced.

Nael Qtati has communicated with students on the Friends of Palestine Society group chat after 11 days of no contact. Students were concerned about Qtati’s welfare, fearing he was injured or dead.

Qtati resumed messaging on Monday 13th November, describing life within the strip since the IDF launched ground operations. Food, water, and fuel are scarce. Qtati says he spends ‘about 8-10 hours a day’ trying to secure basic supplies.

‘No food, no fuel, no nothing’

Fuel prices have inflated 650% and fuel itself is ‘not available even if you are willing to pay,’ says Qtati. Money ‘has no actual value in Gaza’, and shops are ‘going out of business’ as stock runs out, with no way to resupply

‘We have been drinking untreated water for weeks now,’ reads a message sent by Qtati. ‘I remember drinking water with significant taste.’

Qtati, who completed an M.D. at Mansoura University for his undergraduate studies, suspects many people he knows are suffering from kidney problems.

‘Shops as shelters’

Gazans evacuating south seek shelter in ‘all schools and health centres’ or attempt to cross the Gazan wetlands. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and the Palestinian Red Crescent have been facilitating refugees.

Qtati described how 50 to 60 people stay in a single room, and that food is only distributed on limited occasions when available.

Felix understands that abandoned shops are being used as shelters. Qtati describes how ‘you see a local shop… you get closer, there is no business, just people living in a room under a[sic] building.’ Felix has been unable to contact Qtati, due to the volatility of telecommunications within the Gaza Strip.

From Issue 1834

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