Drugs Without the Hot Air: I Knew Nothing About Drugs Until I Read This Book
Guess which substance killed Amy Winehouse? Have a stab in the dark.
Guess which substance killed Amy Winehouse? Have a stab in the dark.
Mimi Li on the dangers of living in a polluted city.
Philippa Skett talks to the researchers behind turning light into electrons
Philippa Skett on the ice caps leaking iron into the ocean
Are six bases better than four? Scientists at The Scripps Institute Florida, can boast that they have changed the secret of life; they have invented an extension to our DNA.
Philippa Skett reviews Imperial Festival and the wider public engagement movement
Utsav Radia discusses new research on study drugs, and the problems they pose
Matilda Hays discusses the anti-aging properties of transfusions for mice
A new solar cell is being pioneered by researchers at the Northwestern University, USA. Rather than using lead perovskite as the conductor to harvest light, the research team developed cells which utilise tin.
Epigenetic differences are being found in an almost-unlimited number of diseases: cancer, epilepsy, arthritis, obesity. A recent paper published in PLoS Genetics has now found that epigenetic changes may influence how susceptible one is to type 2 diabetes.
James Bezer on the giant virus that is still infectious despite its age
The newly discovered dwarf planet 2012 VP113 was discovered by astronomers at the Carnegie Institution of Science, Washington last week.