Fancy shmancy tech from Santa
What would your tech editors do, if they were crapping money?
What would your tech editors do, if they were crapping money?
Perfect Forward Secrecy and What It Means for the End User
Fostering social change through technology
Informing you on what you HAVE to have!
Next Murderer in our series: finding the ultimate Culprit
After last weeks Osama Awara’s “10 things the Internet has slaughtered”, I decided to write something in a similar vein, except of course exchanging one vital invention (internet) of our lives for something equally important (smartphones).
After many weeks of speculations, leaks, and overwhelming anticipation, Google has finally taken the wraps off their new flagship phone, the Nexus 5.
Listing 10 things that have been brutally murdered by the interwebs
As mentioned in last weeks news bubble Apple had a key note last tuesday.
Steve Wozniak, known by many as Woz was the keynote speaker of Apps-World 2013 at Earls Court, London.
Tech Editor Osama Awara on the Silk Road Marketplace
The NSA known for its privacy breaching of internet users across the globe has been found ‘peeling’ the encryption that Tor provides for its users’ information sent online, in order to gain access to sensitive information.