In this whirlwind of mathematics, du Sautoy provides us with an irresistible combination of anecdotes, mathematical mysteries and history. Articulately conveying his own love for the subject whilst also providing us with a plethora of mathematics, he weaves an intricate and emotive tale of the fundamental questions in mathematics.

Marcus du Sautoy is a brilliant populiser of mathematics and author of several other books, one of his greatest strengthes being that he never patronises the reader, maintaining a belief that the wider public can and should understand maths.

It is this complete faith in the reader that makes the book so compelling, as is du Sautoyís humble writing; he is personable and describes his passion for and reliance on the subject. It is clear, however that perhap maths needs Sautoy as much as he needs it. Read this book – I challenge you not to learn something.