Two Ambulances were called to Beit Quadrangle last Friday night to collect two students who had been drinking in the Union bars. The students in question, two girls, had previously been to the Royal School of Mines (RSM) Freshers’ Dinner, although the reasons the ambulances were called were unrelated to alcohol consumption.

The Ambulances arrived shortly after Midnight. The first came to collect a student who had passed out due to a pre-existing medical condition, whilst the other took a student who had sliced open her foot. Both students have subsequently made a full recovery.

The Dinner was held at The Rembrandt Hotel in Kensington, and was attended by 178 people, around half of whom were first year students. In previous years, the dinner has been held in Queen’s Tower Rooms, and traditionally people move on to the Union for after dinner drinks.

We spoke to Ben Warnick, RSM President for 2014-15, who was also present at the dinner. “After the end of the official RSMU Freshers’ dinner on Friday some people chose to go back to the Union due to its proximity to the hotel. All were sufficiently sober to be let in by the bouncers. All of the appropriate welfare measures were taken to ensure the wellbeing of the people involved.”

Deputy President (Welfare), Chris Kaye, was also present that evening. Said Chris, “I arrived at the Union just before Midnight and an Ambulance was pulling up outside. A student had collapsed with what I believe to be an underlying medical condition.”

“Shortly afterwards, another Ambulance turned up for someone who had fallen and injured themselves. I made sure to stay around with Ben until it was confirmed that the students were in safe hands.”