
15.6 students fighting for each library seat

Analysis shared with Felix has revealed that Imperial College has a student per library seat ratio of 15.6, the second highest demand within the Russell Group. Imperial students are also more likely to visit the library to study compared to other Russell Group students.

Universities of a similar calibre and reputation to Imperial have much smaller student to seat ratios: LSE has a ratio of 6.8, the lowest in the Russell Group, Cambridge has a ratio of 9.6, and Oxford and UCL have ratios of 10.7 and 10.8 respectively. UCL and LSE are also part of the University of London, meaning students can access library spaces across the confederation. Imperial’s high demand is also 50% greater than the mean Russell Group student to library seat ratio of 10.4.

Demand for seats is much higher at Imperial as well. Despite a dip during the academic years 2019-20, 2020-21, and 2021-22 due to COVID restrictions, Imperial students on average tend to visit library spaces nine more times in an academic year relative to their Russell Group peers, and 33 more times per year than visits across the Society of College, National, and University Libraries (SCONUL), the professional association for academic and research libraries across the UK and Ireland.

The lack of library space is recognised as a problem: Imperial has increased library spaces across its campuses over the last few years, with the introduction of the GoStudy spaces within the Chemistry Building. In 2024, the Abdus Salam Library opened a new group study area on its 4th floor, and more solo and group study spaces were added to Hammersmith Hospital. Imperial plans to add library space to the Principal Academic Building in White City.

Feature image: Shadowssettle via Wikimedia Commons (CC-BY-SA 4.0)

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