RCSU Autumn Ball a hit for freshers
Organisers praised as students are drawn to Embankment by 'fantastic' drinks deal

A barrage of freshers descended on Opal Bar in Embankment on Wednesday for the Royal College of Science Union’s (RCSU) Autumn Ball, where the faculty hosted their first major event of the year. Promising three free drinks, student prices throughout the night and rides across London on a vintage fire engine, the RCSU saw the event quickly become busy from 9pm and maintain unwavering party spirit until the touted end at 3am.
The RCSU sold out with many students still trying to get tickets after the four hundred and fifty-strong guest list had been sent off. Of those who attended, general opinion has been very high and the organisers have been met with praise.
RCSU President Luke Kanczes commented that, “it was good to see so many people turn up for the Ball, not just Scientists but also Engineers and even Medics, drawn by such a fantastic drinks deal.” The event turned over approximately four thousand pounds, the profit of which will be donated to RAG.
The RCSU mascot vehicle, Jezebel, was used to transport students around Whitehall during the night. James Hallam of the City & Guilds College Union (CGCU) commented, “it was pretty cool, I guess,” while Craig Glastonbury, a third year biologist said, “it was probably one of the best RCSU events [he’d] ever been to”, adding “it was busy, but not so busy that you had to queue for drinks”. Felix covered the event with photography which can be seen on the RCSU Facebook page.
The event attracted many students across all faculties, seeing even members of the ICSM committee attend. The ICSM medics had reclaimed their mascot from the RCSU office late last week during a Hummingbird charity cake sale. Luke Kanczes said that “they entered the office in a gang of ten and stole back the mascot” and that the office was “left in a mess”, condemning their behaviour as “morally wrong”.
The Autumn Ball is another example of the array of well-organised events hosted by RCSU throughout the year, with compliments to the committee for their efforts in planning and execution. After minor criticisms for their successful silent disco event last year, regarding an increased focus on freshers, the event was advertised as an Autumn Ball instead which saw both an increase in familiar crowds and first years alike.