You Say Goodbye, I say Hello
Joe Letts, next year's Felix Editor introduces himself

So, it has come to the end of an era, well a year-long era. Goodbye Tim and hello… me. I’m sure the Supreme Editor himself is feeling bittersweet; it’s the end of a very tiring year, but also the end of a year of fun and boundless creativity.
I’ve already had a few ideas for next year’s Felix, so watch out, this cat’s on fire!
As next year’s editor I’m already feeling nervous, after all, only next year’s incoming students will be free of expectations, while the rest of you will judge me by the standard of my forebears, a worrying thought. I’ve already had a few ideas for next year’s Felix, so watch out, this cat’s on fire! I’ll endeavour to uphold the high level of Union scrutiny and clubs & society involvement that Tim has propagated over the last year, as well as debate on key student issues such as the new halls in Acton, the closure of the Holland Club, the closure of Garden Hall and the changes to the Union’s constitution.
Next year I plan to bring in new sections to showcase local events (on and off campuses) and provide careers information. I’ll hopefully be welcoming some fresh blood on the editorial team and pushing for more people to contribute. Felix will be looking for copy editors, section editors, online editors, music reviewers, regular comment writers and more. It could be you…! Felix is also happy to start new sections, so if you think there’s a certain missing element to the paper, email me or drop down to the Felix Office in the Beit Quad West Basement.
Another part of Felix I aim to improve is the paper’s online presence. Felix’s new online team will be providing news and entertaining information during the week and over the holidays so you don’t need to bother with the Tab anymore. Through Felix Online you’ll also be able to read news, listen to IC Radio and watch content produced by Imperial’s own STOIC TV as well as take part in debates in the comments section.
Felix could not be put together without contributions and support from a fantastic team of students. I’d like to thank the team this year for the outstanding content they’ve produced for us to read and I only hope that I can keep the legacy of Felix intact for another year.