DayZ Episode 2.1: Anna's Grace
The DayZ standalone has been released, and given the amazing stories that occur in that game, I decided to make a kind of series out it! So here it goes:

If you want to read about the start of Anna's tale, here is the link: Episode 2: Anna's Hunger
With newfound strength and vigour, I decided to go through the nearby houses to see if I could find anything to further help me survive. It seems lady luck was on my side, because the first house I had entered was untouched. While there was a fair amount of rotten fruit, the bag of rice and box of crackers looked absolutely gorgeous to me, but it was the fire axe I found hanging from a hook that was the greatest gift. In absolutely pristine, it would help me fend off any uninvited zombies or humans.
As I left the place of my lucky pickings, I stopped and dropped. Off in the distance there was a man and he didn’t look to frie ndly. Unfortunately for me, he had seen me already before I had a chance to hide. I took out my axe and readied myself for a fight I was not sure I could win. However as the guy came closer, I saw how starved and sickly he looked. The most haunting thing was I heard him cry:
“Help me, I was just killed by bandits. I have nothing now!”.
Unsure what to make of this strange utterance, I hesitated. Then I remembered my hunger and my thirst. Only two hours ago I was close to the end. What kind of person would I be if I didn’t help out someone in need. I approached him,
“I am friendly, but don’t do anything fishy or I will bash you in the head”.
The guy nodded, and I approached. There was a hungry look in his eye when he looked at my axe, I tried to ignore it though.
“Do you need anything?”, I asked him.
“Do you have any food?”
I opened my backpack, and threw the bag of rice at him. He jumped on it like a wild animal, and while he was distracted I sneaked off. I hid in a copse of trees, and cried at the loss of humanity.