
Evelyn Gardens Set To Close in 2015

According to recent information the halls are set to close in 2015, either for refurbishment or permanently.

Evelyn Gardens Set To Close in 2015

According to anonymous sources, the entire network of halls in Evelyn Gardens (providing accommodation for a total of 613 students), is set to close in 2015, with student accommodation spaces being transferred to the accommodation in Acton that is under current development.

The fate of the accommodation in South Kensington seems unclear, with some of those involved believing that the halls will be refurbished, and opened again for use, while others believe that due to the short number of years left on the Evelyn Gardens lease (less than 30 years), College will deem the investment (rumored to be between £10-60 million unviable and will permanently relocate the hall spaces to the halls in Acton.

Evidence recently submitted to College’s Residential Experience Review by the Union revealed that Evelyn Gardens accounts for a majority of student accommodation spaces at the lower end of the budget scale, providing the highest number of spaces in the bottom to rental bands (<£100, £100-124), leading to questions about College’s attitude to affordable accommodation and access to education. With the removal of spaces from Evelyn Gardens, ignoring the possibly higer rents at Acton the average weekly rent in College halls will be set to increase by almost £13 per week to an approximate value of £167 p/w, or an average rise of £500 per year.


The following day a College Spokesperson provided the following statement:

"Imperial commits to provide all first year students with a place in a hall of residence and aims to offer a broad range of room types and rents. To do so the College continually reviews its accommodation portfolio to ensure it meets current and future needs. The College leases Evelyn Gardens. With the lease set to expire in 34 years, Imperial is currently exploring options for the future of this accommodation. From 2015 the hall will either be closed for a period while refurbishment takes place, or the property will be removed from Imperial’s accommodation portfolio."

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