12 Jar Jar Binks GIFs That Sum Up Your Life At Imperial
Oh My God So Many Jar Jars – Number 7 Will Blow Your Mind
Oh My God So Many Jar Jars – Number 7 Will Blow Your Mind
Political diversity is to be cherished, not shouted down as “problematic”
Celebrating the birth of the space age
Perhaps it’s time to renationalise our railways and combat unacceptable service
Not excited for Christmas? Maybe it’s because your parents lied to you
Felix’s nude centrefolds are now notorious amongst sports teams and freshers who still get squeamish about nudity. First introduced in 2005 after some trial runs in the years prior, the centrefold started as a way to advertise yourself, before becoming a sports team tradition by the late 2010s. However,
Monday 9th December will mark the 75th anniversary of Felix. This humble newspaper has seen many design changes, editorial changes, budget changes, and more. Scores of editors, writers, photographers, illustrators, and paid copyeditors have worked on the paper, ensuring that Imperial's student, staff and alumni are informed of
One of the questions I am asked quite regularly as Editor is "How is Felix printed?" Most people have the misconception that we still do everything in our office, from writing, to copyediting, to laying out, to printing, and distribution. We don't. We have an external
Felix interviews Emina on her campaign promises and the experiences of postgrad students at Imperial