
Book Recommendation: Living the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle

To what extent does individual action contribute to mitigating climate change? To what extent does individual action contribute to mitigating climate change?

To what extent does individual action contribute to mitigating climate change? 

Recent years have seen many people becoming more aware of daily choices they can take to reduce their negative impact on the planet - whether it’s taking public transport, cutting down on meat consumption or carrying a reusable bag. 

In many ways, the COVID19 pandemic made it easier for people to implement these behaviours; we might’ve had more time on hand and staying at home automatically reduced transportation fuelled GHG emissions. 

But as we transition back into the pre-pandemic life, which of these pro-environmental actions will stay? And how do we measure their impacts? 

‘Living the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle’ by Lloyd Atler is an attempt to answer these questions. Grounded by scientific research, yet accessible to all, it highlights why some individual actions may be more productive than others, and concludes that whilst on their own, it won’t solve the climate crisis, they are a crucial component of the overarching solution; one that must also include rapid, just, and effective policies and education.

From Issue 1779

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