

Manual defending finally, but bugs live on
FIFA 21 ★★★

Created by: Electronic Arts Vancouver
Published by: EA Sports
For fans of: Football, the beautiful game

Lockdown meant that FIFA 20 was one of the top sellers, and EA had an opportunity here to fix the bugs and requests of die-hard players in the FIFA community. Manual defending yields the opportunity to defeat the 10-year-old wallet warrior by playing attractive football without the AI-defending to rescue, but the lack of any real fixes to the bugs mean the game just isn’t worth the time or money it’s asking for.

The Haunting comes to haunt Verdansk
Warzone S6 Special ★★★★★

Created by: Infinity Ward
Published by: Activision
For fans of: Everything Call of Duty and Horror

Warzone grew to being an entertaining game, even more so with friends during late evenings. The season 6 special introduces a halloween-themed Haunting edition of Verdansk, where soldiers are killed and revive as zombies to scare and kill remaining players. With friends, the jumpscares can be immensely enjoyable, but playing the solo mode is akin to a horror show - one wrong turn and you’re either getting mauled by a disfigured zombie or sniped from distance, rendering you dead. Infinity Ward allegedly also confirmed that the current gaming engine will exist for Season 7 when Black Ops Cold War is out.

From Issue 1754

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