
Imperial Business School ranked 38th globally in FT rankings

Imperial College Business School’s MBA has placed 38th globally in the 2025 Financial Times rankings, improving by one position from last year. 

The school received an overall satisfaction score of 8.406 on a ten-point scale and was ranked 24th for weighted research output by full-time faculty. The survey is completed by alumni three years after graduation and the ranking is derived from 21 criteria, including alumni responses, school data and research rank. 

Imperial ranked fourth in the United Kingdom, after London Business School, Oxford’s Saïd Business School, and Cambridge’s Judge Business School. Imperial College Business School’s weighted salary, the average alumni salary three years after graduation, is $162,604, a slight increase from the previous year . 

It was also ranked 55th for its carbon footprint, which is measured using the Business School’s net zero target year for carbon emissions and a publicly available carbon emissions audit report. 

From Issue 1868

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