

Things we love: Shado Magazine

Shado Magazine

I have recently started reading the third issue of Shado [See. Hear. Act. Do.] magazine, and I love the variation of essays on climate justice, racial justice and social justice. It isn’t just a magazine though. It is a self-described multimedia platform driving change at the intersection of arts, activism and academia.

The publication is accessible reading for everyone and spotlights people who are not usually shined upon is the traditional media. It is a fusion of stunning contemporary art and writings by a wide variation of people from all over the world. The themes covered in the latest issue range from Indigenous Philosophy in contemporary climate activism to dismantling capitalist systems in the climate crisis. The previous issue centres the topic of Global Womxnhood, and it also on my reading list.

If you are interested in climate justice, if you care about climate action, or if you want to learn more about the effects of climate change, I thoroughly recommend reading this. Shado share content on their Instagram @shado. mag and articles on their website, www.shadomag.com, where you can also buy the magazine (in print or PDF form).

From Issue 1754

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