
Inspiration of the week : Andre Henry

The weekly sustainability inspiration this week is Andre Henry's podcast

This recommendation may not fit with the traditional sustainability agenda, but this is exactly why it is im- portant. If you do not understand why racism and civil resistance are impor- tant to environmental justice, please have a quick google. I cannot overstate the importance of the intersectionality of environmentalism and movements for climate justice and environmental justice. So, I encourage you all to listen in and take notes from Andre Henry.

He has a fantastic podcast called the ‘Hope and Hard Pills podcast’, which has taught me so much about racism, whiteness, and resistance. One of my favourite episodes was on how to top-

ple a dictator in a non-violent way. He also has a mailing list you can sign up to receive a little civil resistance note every week, and a ‘hard pill’ needed for jus- tice. This week he sent us an inspiring quote from Kwame Ture: ‘When you see people call themselves revolution- ary always talking about destroying, destroying, destroying but never talk- ing about building or creating, they’re not revolutionary. They do not under- stand the first thing about revolution. It’s creating.’

If you learn from him, you should also support Andre’s work – the best way by becoming a patron of his Patre- on. 

From Issue 1757

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