
Nobel Prize winner Didier Queloz visits Imperial

Professor Didier Queloz delivered a talk at Imperial last month, sharing recent advances in research into planet formation and the origin and prevalence of life in our universe.

Nobel Prize winner Didier Queloz visits Imperial
Swiss Nobel Prize winner Didier Queloz talks to Imperial students

Professor Didier Queloz delivered a talk at Imperial last month, sharing recent advances in research into planet formation and the origin and prevalence of life in our universe.

In 1995, Didier Queloz alongside his supervisor Michel Mayor received the Nobel Prize 'for the discovery of an exoplanet orbiting a solar-type star'. Deep in the Milky way, they found the planet: “51 Pegasi b”, in the Pegasus constellation. 

Although no stranger to delivering talks, Professor Queloz was incredibly impressed with the level of engagement from the Imperial audience and the insightful questions. 

The talk was followed by discussions spanning several hours on terraformation, cheese and astrophysics, leaving both the professor and students thoroughly inspired.

From Issue 1845

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