Sex Survey 2025

The Imperial departments getting cheated on the most

1 in 10 students at Imperial have cheated in their relationship

This set of results is a part of the 2025 Felix Sex Survey.

More students get cheated on than cheat themselves: 17% of females, 13% of males and 21% of non-binary respondents have been cheated on.

I have cheated…

Around 1 in 10 students admitted to cheating in our survey; on average having cheated three times.

Cheating by department

Chemistry students cheated the most, while Medics were most cheated on.

I cheated with…

  1. A person I/they told them/me “not to worry about” (17%)
  2. A stranger (16%)
  3. A friend (13%)
  4. A classmate (13%)
  5. A close friend (12%)
  6. An acquaintance (8%)
  7. An ex (7%)
  8. Other (6%)
  9. A coworker (5%)

Friends with benefits

Why people want a physical relationship is an interesting insight into what sex can be. It can be fun, a form of stress release or most interestingly, for practice. As Imperial students, we know that practice makes perfect. Unfortunately, many of the respondents entered an agreement with emotion, which FWB is definitely not designed for.

Have you ever been in a purely physical relationship?

Who were they to you?

From Issue 1866

Sex Survey Special

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