Sex Survey 2025

Sex preferences: body parts, shaving and habits

To shave, or not to shave? That may be the question that many of us ask. Or, what is it that people find attractive?

In this section, we like to share what the people at Imperial like and dislike, rather than what is a turn-on or a turn-off. Previous years did not consider that some students simply do not get turned on or off by something, a valid point made to include asexual peers.

If there is one thing females, males and non-binary people can agree on: eyes and faces are their favourite body parts. Boobs come third for males and non-binary people.

I prefer if I or my partner shaves…

A third of females and non-binary people voted “no preference” or “all natural”, compared to only 13% of males.

I prefer if my partner shaves… and my gender is…

I admit, I was surprised to learn that males were more picky about their partners shaving habits than women, though I am not surprised as to what they prefer shaved. Those who kiss men want to avoid a Beard Burn, a form of contact dermatitis that leads to itchy skin and a rash. So beard-owners, please, for the sake of your partner, wash and groom your beard.

Males overall prefer shaved legs, pubic hair and armpits. Females prefer shaved facial and pubic hair—though most had no preference—and non-binary people prefer shaved facial hair and armpits, yet similarly to females, predominantly had no strong preference.

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From Issue 1866

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