Do Imperial students even enjoy sex?
Why have sex when you can masturbate instead
How satisfied are you with your sex life?
To be satisfied, especially with one's sex life, is not a half-bad way to go through life. The majority of students are satisfied, with half at least somewhat satisfied. The majority of females (33%) are satisfied, and the majority of non-binary people (29%) and males (24%) are very satisfied.

Age to lose virginity
While the most common age is 18 for everyone, including females, males and non-binary people, we do wish to emphasis that there is no pressure ever to lose one's virginity unless it is for a good reason. Virginity is not about winning a race or gaining the experience. Every first experience can be terrifying and the only thing that helps is going through it with someone either slowly or safely.

Why does Imperial have sex?
Why—oh why—do we actually have sex? As university students, sex can have a different meaning and a different purpose—see the “friends with benefits” section later on for more reasons. The top four answers are beautiful reasons to have sex. On the other hand, validation and peer pressure are questionable reasons to have sex. Sadly, Imperial does not hand out awards for this.

How much do you enjoy sex?
When asked to rate how much they enjoyed sex on a scale from 0 to 100, respondents gave an average score of 77, with non-binary people and females enjoying sex marginally more than men. This trumps the idea that sex is the most amazing thing in the world—it can also be bad, sometimes terrible. But the thing is, some people do not enjoy it because it is not for them. And of course, that is perfectly fine.

How often do you masturbate? How often do you have sex?
32% of Imperial masturbates multiple times a week—and 12% once a day
Most people get busy multiple times a week, whether by sex or by masturbation. Had the graph shown a clear left-to-right diagonal, one could conclude that the sex-to-masturbation ratio would be consistent. It does not seem that way.

Respondents may have more or less sex than they masturbate, however further research in that would be required as to by how much. Two or seven times a week?
Splitting the masturbation data by gender, it paints a clearer picture. Half of females masturbate only a few times a month or less. And no more than once a week for half of males and non-binary people. Of those that never masturbate, females are on top. Of those that masturbate once a day, non-binary are on top.

Where did you learn about sex?
Sex education is vital for adulthood. At school, we all went through the awkward classes of sex education, which at the time was like learning what chocolate tasted like without actually having chocolate around. It is essential, and better taught too early than too late.
However somehow the education just ends at a critical point: university, or at least at the age of 18. Fortunately there is the internet—or is that a misfortune?
We did not ask what people googled or yahoo-ed on the topic of sex. Neither did we ask whether they went on Glamour Online, PornHub or the Mayo Clinic website for further information. However, the internet does provide the ability to educate oneself without feeling embarrassed.
Sex can be an uncomfortable topic to discuss with family. Which is where friends come in. Friends are best to ask for experience or advice, not technical topics. Having an experienced friend is a godsend, and so if you could be that friend, you are a godsend.