
Slug for Sale

Former nightclub listed on RightMove

Slug for Sale
The Redback Rolando Charles for Felix

The former location of popular nightclub The Redback, known to Imperial students as Slug, has been listed on Rightmove. The nightclub closed down in March 2024 when its operating company, RedCat Leased Pubs Limited (RCPL), was placed under administration.

According to the listing, the property features a Late Night License until 2am, and is available as a leasehold for £185,000. The terms of the lease will be agreed upon once a deal is made. The club is being advertised by Genius1 Group, a company which focuses on commercial real estate. Genius1 Group refused a request for comment.

Slug, an Imperial hotspot, was known for its sports nights. It was one of five pubs closed by Interpath Advisory, the administrator for RCPL, upon their appointment. A spokesperson for Interpath Advisory said RCPL had been "impacted by the wider challenges facing the pub sector", including a slow recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, changing consumer habits, and the cost-of-living crisis.

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