
Squash & Pumpkins - Food for Health

In this new Food & Travel series, we will introduce an ingredient, its benefits and a recipe to spotlight the hidden wealth within our food.

Halloween ended last night, and yet there is few reason to ignore pumpkins and squashes during the late cooling Autumn season.

Nutrients & Benefits

The orange flesh is rich with beta-carotene, a form of vitamin A found in plants. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin useful to maintain vision, a good immune system and reproductive health. A lack of Vitamin A may increase the risks of age-related macular degeneration, a loss of central vision, or Xerophthlamia, the inability to see in low light. 

Butternut Squash Soup

A delicious vegan (if you ignore the butter to taste) butternut squash soup by Cookie & Kate, is an excellent way to consume Butternut Squash. 

You will need an oven to roast the butternut, a large soup pot to mix everything, and a blender/blending stick to break down the soup. The ingredients are a small list of butternut squash, vegetables, spices and vegetable broth.  


  1. Cut the butternut squash into pieces, drizzle with oil and spices, and roast in the oven for about 45 minutes.
  2. In a pot, cook vegetables.
  3. Add roasted butternut flesh, cooked vegetables, spices and broth to a blender or blend in the pot.
  4. Serve

Feature image: Sophia Mamon

From Issue 1856

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